Package-level declarations

Tracker configuration options.


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Interface for tracker configurations. Provides a common base for all the configuration classes.

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class ConfigurationBundle @JvmOverloads constructor(val namespace: String, networkConfiguration: NetworkConfiguration? = null) : Configuration

For remote configuration. Bundles Configuration objects to apply to a tracker.

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State of retrieved remote configuration, specifying where the configuration was retrieved from.

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open class EmitterConfiguration : Configuration, EmitterConfigurationInterface

Configure how the tracker should send the events to the collector.

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This configuration tells the tracker to send requests with the user ID in session context entity to a Kantar endpoint used with FocalMeter. The request is made when the first event with a new user ID is tracked. The requests are only made if session context is enabled (default).

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open class GdprConfiguration : Configuration, GdprConfigurationInterface

Allows the GDPR configuration of the tracker. Provide a GdprConfiguration when creating a tracker to attach a GDPR entity to every event.

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class GlobalContextsConfiguration(contextGenerators: MutableMap<String, GlobalContext>?) : Configuration, GlobalContextsConfigurationInterface

This class allows the setting up of Global Contexts. Global Contexts are entities which are attached to selected events. Provide a GlobalContextsConfiguration when creating a tracker to use them. GlobalContext can also be added and removed at runtime. Multiple GlobalContexts can be set along with their identifying tags (i.e. name).

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class NetworkConfiguration : NetworkConfigurationInterface, Configuration

Represents the network communication configuration allowing the tracker to be able to send events to the Snowplow collector.

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Optional properties tracked in the platform context entity

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Protocol for a plugin that provides a closure to call after events are tracked.

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class PluginAfterTrackConfiguration(val schemas: List<String>? = null, val closure: Consumer<InspectableEvent>)

Provides a block closure to be called after events are tracked. Optionally, you can specify the event schemas for which the block should be called.

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Configuration for a custom tracker plugin. Enables you to add closures to be called when and after events are tracked in the tracker.

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Interface for tracker plugin definition. Specifies configurations for the closures called when and after events are tracked.

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Protocol for a plugin that provides a closure to generate context entities to enrich events.

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Provides a block closure that returns a list of context entities and is called when events are tracked. Optionally, you can specify the event schemas for which the block should be called.

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Protocol for a plugin that provides a closure to decide whether to track events or not.

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class PluginFilterConfiguration(val schemas: List<String>? = null, val closure: Function<InspectableEvent, Boolean>)

Provides a closure that is called to decide whether to track a given event or not.

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Identifies a tracker plugin with a unique identifier. Required for all plugins.

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Provide a RemoteConfiguration instance when creating a tracker for remote configuration using Snowplow.setup.

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open class SessionConfiguration : SessionConfigurationInterface, Configuration

The SessionConfiguration is used to configure session behaviour. Session data is stored as SessionState, and is appended to every event as an entity (client_session), by default.

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open class SubjectConfiguration : Configuration, SubjectConfigurationInterface

The SubjectConfiguration can be used to set up the tracker with the basic information about the user and the app. These properties will be added to every event.

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open class TrackerConfiguration : TrackerConfigurationInterface, Configuration

The TrackerConfiguration can be used to set up the tracker behaviour, including what should be tracked in term of automatic tracking, and entities to track with the events. Tracker logging can also be configured here.