
open class SubjectConfiguration : Configuration, SubjectConfigurationInterface

The SubjectConfiguration can be used to set up the tracker with the basic information about the user and the app. These properties will be added to every event.


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constructor(jsonObject: JSONObject)

This constructor is used in remote configuration.



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The color depth. Not automatically assigned.

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open override fun copy(): SubjectConfiguration
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The domain UserID. Not automatically set.

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The IP address. By default, this field is assigned automatically to the event during the enrichment phase of the pipeline (i.e., not by the tracker). This can be prevented by configuring EmitterConfiguration.serverAnonymisation.

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The language used for the app. By default, assigned automatically to the device language.

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Provide a custom network UserID. By default, this field is assigned automatically to the event during the enrichment phase of the pipeline (i.e., not by the tracker). The value is the UUID ID of the event collector cookie. This can be prevented by configuring EmitterConfiguration.serverAnonymisation.

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fun screenResolution(screenResolution: Size?): SubjectConfiguration

The screen resolution. Assigned automatically.

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The screen viewport. Not automatically assigned.

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The timezone. By default, this field is assigned automatically to the device timezone.

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The useragent. By default, this field is assigned automatically to the event during the enrichment phase of the pipeline (i.e., not by the tracker).

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The custom UserID.


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open override var colorDepth: Int?
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open override var domainUserId: String?
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open override var ipAddress: String?
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open override var language: String?
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open override var networkUserId: String?
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open override var screenResolution: Size?
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open override var screenViewPort: Size?
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open override var timezone: String?
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open override var useragent: String?
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open override var userId: String?