
This class allows the attachment of context entities to all events, or all events of a chosen type.

Multiple GlobalContext rules can be provided on tracker creation, using the GlobalContextsConfiguration class. Alternatively, GlobalContexts can be added and removed at runtime, using GlobalContextsController.add and GlobalContextsController.remove methods.

These methods can be accessed directly from the tracker like this: tracker.globalContexts.add("rule_name", GlobalContext)

See also


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constructor(contextGenerator: ContextGenerator)
constructor(staticContexts: List<SelfDescribingJson>)
constructor(staticContexts: List<SelfDescribingJson>, ruleset: SchemaRuleSet?)
constructor(staticContexts: List<SelfDescribingJson>, filter: FunctionalFilter?)
constructor(generator: FunctionalGenerator, ruleset: SchemaRuleSet?)
constructor(generator: FunctionalGenerator, filter: FunctionalFilter? = null)
