
data class MediaTrackingConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(val id: String, var player: MediaPlayerEntity? = null, var pings: Boolean = true, var pingInterval: Int? = null, var maxPausedPings: Int? = null, var session: Boolean = true, var boundaries: List<Int>? = null, var entities: List<SelfDescribingJson>? = null, var captureEvents: List<KClass<*>>? = null)

Configuration for a MediaTracking instance.



Unique identifier for the media tracking instance. The same ID is used for media player session if enabled.


Properties for the media player context entity attached to media events.


Whether to track media ping events. Defaults to true.


Interval in seconds in which the media ping events are tracked. Defaults to 30 seconds unless pings are disabled.


Maximum number of consecutive ping events to send when playback is paused. Defaults to 1 unless pings are disabled.


Whether to track the media player session context entity along with media events. Defaults to true. The session entity contain the id identifier as well as statistics about the media playback.


Percentage boundaries of the video to track percent progress events at.


Additional context entities to attach to media events.


List of event types to allow tracking. If not specified (null), all tracked events will be allowed and tracked. Otherwise, tracked event types not present in the list will be discarded.


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constructor(id: String, player: MediaPlayerEntity? = null, pings: Boolean = true, pingInterval: Int? = null, maxPausedPings: Int? = null, session: Boolean = true, boundaries: List<Int>? = null, entities: List<SelfDescribingJson>? = null, captureEvents: List<KClass<*>>? = null)


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val id: String
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