
package redshift

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. redshift
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class MergeRedshiftSchemasResult(goodModel: GoodModel, recoveryModels: Map[SchemaKey, RecoveryModel]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait ShredModel extends Product with Serializable

    Shredded table model for redshift.

    Shredded table model for redshift.

    Extracting data from json into tsv-ready List[String] Warehouse table representation. "Good" version of this trait also supports migrations.

    entries - list of model entries, containing the schema pointers and bottom level sub schemas schemaKey - schema key of corresponding top level schema

  3. case class ShredModelEntry(ptr: SchemaPointer, subSchema: Schema, isLateAddition: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Single bottom level entry of the schema model.

    Single bottom level entry of the schema model. Each entry matches a single column in warehouse.


    - json pointer. A cursor that could be used to extract the data from json event.


    - jsonschema of the element to where pointer is directed.


    - entry added as a result of migration, so it must be NOT NULL.

Value Members

  1. def assessRedshiftMigration(src: List[IgluSchema], tgt: IgluSchema): Either[NonEmptyList[Breaking], List[NonBreaking]]
  2. def assessRedshiftMigration(src: IgluSchema, tgt: IgluSchema): Either[NonEmptyList[Breaking], List[NonBreaking]]
  3. def foldMapMergeRedshiftSchemas(schemas: NonEmptyList[IgluSchema]): MergeRedshiftSchemasResult

    Build a map between schema key and a merged or recovered model.

    Build a map between schema key and a merged or recovered model. For example if schemas X and Y and mergable, both would link to schema XY (product).


    - ordered list of schemas for the same family

  4. def foldMapRedshiftSchemas(schemas: NonEmptyList[IgluSchema]): Map[SchemaKey, ShredModel]

    Build a map between schema key and their models.

    Build a map between schema key and their models.


    - ordered list of schemas for the same family

  5. def isRedshiftMigrationBreaking(src: IgluSchema, tgt: IgluSchema): Boolean
  6. def isRedshiftMigrationBreaking(src: List[IgluSchema], tgt: IgluSchema): Boolean
  7. object ShredModel extends Serializable
  8. object ShredModelEntry extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
