Package-level declarations

Different types of events that can be tracked with Snowplow.


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abstract class AbstractEvent : Event

Base AbstractEvent class which contains common elements that can be added to all events:

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Abstract class which contains common elements to all "primitive" events, i.e. events that are not based on a schema, such as Structured events.

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Abstract class which contains common elements to all self-describing events, i.e. events that are based on a schema. Examples include SelfDescribing, ScreenView, and Foreground events.

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A background transition event.

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class ConsentDocument(documentId: String, documentVersion: String) : AbstractSelfDescribing

A consent document event.

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class ConsentGranted(expiry: String, documentId: String, documentVersion: String) : AbstractSelfDescribing

A consent granted event.

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class ConsentWithdrawn(all: Boolean, documentId: String, documentVersion: String) : AbstractSelfDescribing

A consent withdrawn event.

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A deep-link received in the app.

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An ecommerce event.

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An ecommerce item event.

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interface Event

The Event interface

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A foreground transition event.

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class ListItemView(var index: Int, var itemsCount: Int?) : AbstractSelfDescribing

Event tracking the view of an item in a list. If screen engagement tracking is enabled, the list item view events will be aggregated into a screen_summary entity and won't be sent as separate events to the collector.

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Event that represents the reception of a push notification (or a locally generated one).

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class MessageNotificationAttachment(identifier: String, type: String, url: String) : HashMap<String, Any>

Attachment object that identifies an attachment in the MessageNotification.

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Trigger that caused the message notification.

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A PageView event. This event has been designed for web trackers, and is not suitable for mobile apps.

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class ScreenView @JvmOverloads constructor(name: String, screenId: UUID? = null) : AbstractSelfDescribing

A ScreenView event.

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class ScrollChanged(var yOffset: Int? = null, var xOffset: Int? = null, var viewWidth: Int? = null, var viewHeight: Int? = null, var contentWidth: Int? = null, var contentHeight: Int? = null) : AbstractSelfDescribing

Event tracked when a scroll view's scroll position changes. If screen engagement tracking is enabled, the scroll changed events will be aggregated into a screen_summary entity and won't be sent as separate events to the collector.

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A SelfDescribing event.

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class Structured(category: String, action: String) : AbstractPrimitive

A Structured event.

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class Timing(category: String, variable: String, timing: Int) : AbstractSelfDescribing

A timing event.

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class TrackerError(source: String, message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null) : AbstractSelfDescribing

An error event representing an exception, error or warning message in the app.